Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crystal Camellia Lamp

Wow, this past week has certainly been a busy one with both the open-house event here and the Brisbane Craft Expo too. We had a great time at both and it was certainly wonderful to see many of our lovely customers once more.

I worked with Tom and Gaye on the Miss Rose Sister Violet stand at the Craft Expo and one can't help but be inspired by all the beautiful new trims and products that they now have. Gaye's creative spirit is infectious and all I want to do is 'play' with so many new ideas floating through my whimsical mind!

I will shortly be loading several new items onto the website; I have many new projects that I wish to complete; I am doing the Ipswich Gala Doll Show this weekend with Chris Boston; I have several workshops coming up and I also have customer orders to do for lamps and wedding corsages........busy, busy, busy........ I'm like a bee buzzing around everywhere (a bee without the sting though, I hope).

Today I thought I would an image of a little lamp that I made recently, it features a fairy pink camellia and the Crystal French Braid and the good news is that it has a friend as I made two the same..... although..... you do realise that being totally hand-crafted, it is impossible to make two items identical don't you?? : -))

May your days be filled with sunshine regardless of the weather and may your hearts be filled with love regardless of any dramas that are happening around you.

Until next time, I wish you lots of hugs and take care.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rainy Day Creation

Rain, rain and more rain - only a handful of several fine days in a row since October last year. Mouldy house, unfinished paint job, washing clothes becoming a challenge without a clothes-dryer and yet it all seems so insignificant when the news comes on and we sit stunned at the devastating losses incurred in 2011's latest catastrophe as it unfolds in Japan. Shock, horror, disbelief and once again we are reminded of just how fragile our world is.

We are sooooo lucky, regardless of what happens to us for there is always someone in the world going through more pain than we can ever imagine isn't there? Our love and healing thoughts go to everyone who is suffering right now.

I must say that rainy days do wonders for the creative spirit though - maybe because of that trapped inside feeling of 'what can I do today'? .... or in my case it might just be..... 'I must get to those customer orders that are sitting there waiting for my attention'.

Anyway, I just thought I would share an image of this magnificent cream rose swag that I made for a special customer today. It is almost a metre in length and will be used as a back-drop behind her bed........hope she likes it!! You can find all of these flowers in my website or maybe you would like to do a workshop and learn how to make your own fabulous swag!

Until next time, remember to love what you do and do what you love, Jule x

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hearts and Velvet Flowers

Time marches on.......1st March already and where is Autumn I wonder as it was sooo hot today??
We have both been busy taking photographs and loading lots of new products onto the website but it is certainly a time consuming process - pity Steven didn't do typing at school like I did but then again he's a much better carpenter than I will ever be!

I embellished this gorgeous Miss Rose Sister Violet velvet heart cushion for a friend for Christmas and thought you might like to see it. I love it and I must get around to making another one day, although I never do seem to make anything quite the same as that would take all the fun out of creating!
If you are looking for the velvet flowers or lace, you will find them and a whole lot more on my website
Until next time remember to embellish your life with everything you love!