Monday, December 26, 2011


Well as the year comes to a close and I reminisce about the past twelve months, I am reminded of the hardships that we may have endured but more importantly the things that have made me smile. We can spend forever dwelling on the negative aspects in our lives or we can choose to shift our focus and place all our energies into remembering all the 'good' we have to be thankful for and that is precisely how I try to live my life each and every day.

And so it is for today, that I have a totally unrelated group of images here that have all made me smile this year, they have warmed my heart and brought me much joy and no they are not necessarily all work related but nonetheless they are part of my story, a story that I am sharing with you because you because you are a part of that story too.

I wish you every happiness for the New Year and may the year 2012 see you smile more and frown less!

Warmest wishes always,
Jule x

The coldest December day in Queensland for 40 years ... Love it!

My Christmas Garden Tea Party window - finished at last!

Oh so pretty that I think I could live in this window!

Chocolate and Strawberry Torte.... yumm!

Ready, set, blow - my eldest grandson just a few short week's ago!

I've never seen a prouder person than when Lisa revealed her half-finished doll at this year's Fairy Workshop Weekend Retreat....pure joy!

Mother Nature never fails to impress us up here on the mountain!

My favourite elf-helper and I in Lollipop Land!

Chris Boston and I... big kids at heart!

My youngest grandson finally puts his head under the water.... yay!!

Peace and tranquility.......

Planking, Chris Boston style... always the clown and a constant source of entertainment for me!