Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a hop, skip and a jump .........

Last post May 22 and then all of a sudden ........ a hop, skip and a jump and here we are almost at the end of June already....... what happened I wonder??!!

Well, it seems, lots! Steven and I had a site at the Dayboro Antiques and Collectables Fair at the end of May, then we both did the Nambour Collectorama the following weekend and then I had a stall at the 2-day Gold Coast Teddy and Doll Fair with Chris Boston and then last weekend I had a workshop in Cleveland on the Saturday and then spent the day at the Winter Wonderland Doll Show on Sunday......phew.... I'm almost out of breath thinking about it all!!

Add to that looking after a sick grandson for several days, running the website, helping a friend to move house, catching up with old school-friends and family, spending a lovely night away at Dayboro and all the other crazy stuff that fills my days it's no wonder that the last four weeks have disappeared, seemingly in the blink of an eye!

Somewhere in amongst all that chaos, I have also managed to find a few days to create more beautiful things with the lovely velvet flowers and trims from Miss Rose Sister Violet and I have been working on some amazing 'shell' bridal bouquets for a customer as well as completing some custom-made lamp restorations.......oh yes, now it is all coming back to me.......I have been busy, haven't I?

Today, I thought I would share a few images from Kirnicama, Dayboro, the lovely B & B we stayed at a couple of weeks ago.......well worth a visit if you like peace and tranquility as well as abundant bird life and gardens.

I have got lots of other images to load too - like the bouquets, lamps, etc, but I think I shall leave that to the next update for you. If anyone out there can tell me how to load images without so many hassles, that would be great as my images seem to jump all over the place - a bit like my mind I guess : -))

Lots of love and happy wishes to you all for today and I will be back soon!! Jule xxx

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